Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Useful Tips While Starting a Scrap-Book

Taking pictures is a wonderful way of capturing those timeless memories that you have with your friends and family. Creating a scrapbook can enhance those everlasting memoirs - A compilation of your beautiful moments in a book. With scrap booking gaining fast popularity I am sure you don’t want to be left behind in the race.

It does not take much of an effort for people who can unleash their creativity and let their imagination flow but for others it might prove to be a Herculean task. Here are some tips on how to start scrap booking that will help you create professional looking scrapbooks without much investment of your time and money.

For beginners you need to know that a scrapbook design contains 3 fundamental parts:

1. Your photographs
2.The Layout design or the background that you lay your photos on
3.The information or the text describing the photographs

Your photos may be of any event that is of importance to you such the birth of your baby, first day in your new house or your high school memories.

The task of creating a scrapbook starts from collecting the photographs you need to display in your book. It is an absolute fun task to go through the lost old photographs and articles. A lot of time will be spent on recollecting those cherished moments.

After collecting you need to choose a layout design which you may chose from scrapbook templates and backgrounds or create your own. The theme could be repetitive throughout the book with each page having diverse layout design, or you could theme every new page alone. Let your imagination spring to new heights but don’t be over-ambitious with the design. Make sure your layout projects the same idea and the same tone you want it to.

After it there comes number of journal entries for those photos that are to witty and meaningful and to be liked and cared by everyone. Although the pictures speak for themselves but you can give a new dimension to your pictures with inscribing handwritten remarks. All your favorite memorabilia can also be a part of your scrapbook.

There are inexhaustible possibilities of doing things but the best one is doing the things your way. So go and make your memories a perfect gift of a lifetime with your personal touch.